Thursday, October 22, 2009

In the beginning...

In the beginning there was me and there was him and there was love. The married life was a distant fairytale I dreamt about from almost the day we met. See, I knew things were different with him from any relationship I had ever been in, right from the start. I told him on one of our first real dates that he would fall in love with me. He probably thought I was crazy. But that should have been his first lesson in life with me: I am always right. And as the days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and months turned into years, my fairytale materialized before my eyes.

Which leads us to where we are now. I love my husband and I love our cute little family. My happiest times are at night watching tv snuggled up next to Beau with Freeney awkwardly trying to be a lap dog in the middle. But Beau can't be here all the time, and without friends of my own here, there's LOTS of time to think. I mean for this blog to be my creative outlet. I hope it helps people understand and know more about me. I want to use it as a way to preserve new memories and relive old ones.

It took me a long time to decide if and how to do this. It will still take some bravery to be honest here and not care that the world can see into my life. But if one person reads what is here and laughs, cries, or relates to what I'm saying, then putting it out there is worth it.

Happy reading to you. Happy writing to me.

Agnes Greenwood

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